Through a strong concen­tra­tion on the scien­tific and busi­ness advi­sory fields, eurac has special­ized its own train­ings concept around the indi­vid­uals’ compe­ten­cies for success: the eurac skill and compe­tency frame­work.

As a profes­sional trend­setter in the devel­op­ment of excel­lence for

  • Indi­vid­uals: (Personal Excel­lence)
  • Teams: (Team Excel­lence)
  • Companies/Organizations: (Company Excel­lence)

eurac contin­u­ously invests in the latest research and science to develop methods and tech­niques of commu­ni­ca­tion, lead­er­ship, and self-manage­ment.

Below you will find our seminar offers for “You!” Excel­lence, Lead­er­ship Excel­lence and Training Excel­lence. Click on any offer to see the upcoming dates: